
traduction Française

Maxime DERCHE, Information Technology Manager

Maxime DERCHE                40 years old
11, rue Louis Delos
59800 LILLE


  • TOGAF 10 (planned by end 2024) ;
  • Next steps: CISM, ISO 27005 (Risk), ISO 27701 (Privacy), ISO 22301 (Business Continuity), COBIT, etc.


  • Founder - President:
    • Maxime DERCHE Information System Consulting France (Lille), since April 2019:
      • ➔ IT infrastructure consulting: strategy, management, architecture, security ;
  • IT Security Manager (CISO):
    • Cerise Media (Tourcoing), from January 2018 to April 2019:
      • ➔ management of the three main projects related to IT security: conformity with the GDPR, conformity with Bertelsmann’s IT security management system (ISO27001 ISMS), and setup of a global business continuity plan ;
  • IT Infrastructure Manager:
    • Cerise Media (Tourcoing), from September 2016 to December 2017:
      • ➔ with the CTO, complete redesign of the hosting infrastructure for the international Gentside and OhMyMag! websites, implementation of the best practices (automation, etc.), security management, team management, recruitment ;
  • Information System Architect :
    • Elosi (Villeneuve d'Ascq), from April 2015 to August 2016:
      • ➔ design and implementation of a web hosting platform, from the paperboard to the racks in the datacenter, then dratf the exploitation, maintenance and security procedures to operate the platform ;
  • System and Network Administrator:
    • Runiso (Lille), from November 2014 to March 2015:
      • ➔ member of the System and Security team in a PCI-DSS hosting environment ;
    • Econocom :
      • Oxylane/Décathlon (Villeneuve-d'Ascq), from March 2011 to October 2014:
        • ➔ IT system engineering and administration, maintenance under operational conditions and continuous improvement of the international e-commerce platform, automation and manangement of the applicative deployments, technological watch, team training, setup of a security policy and of technical security countermeasures, technical architecture advisoring ;
    • CERIZ (Lille puis Villeneuve-d'Ascq), from November 2009 to February 2010 ;
  • Développeur :
    • GOTO Software (Hem), from August to September 2008;
      • member of the R&D team of the VadeRetro antispam software ;
  • English to French translator :
    • Cisco Routers for the Desperate and Absolute FreeBSD, second edition by Michael W. Lucas, The Book of PF by Peter N.M. Hansteen, and Designing BSD Rootkits by Joseph Kong.

Hard and soft skills

  • Information System Management :
    • maintenance under operational conditions of information infrastructures (support,monitoring, incident response) ;
    • technical architecture for web hosting ;
    • collaborative tooling for the users ;
    • open governance based on technical excellence, infrastructure security and data protection ;
  • team management :
    • modern and caring management methods (right to fail, tolerance) ;
    • agile project management (scrum method) ;
    • knowledge management and transmission ;
    • continuous training (conferences, press, technical library) ;
  • personal management :
    • high expertise of the free software field (ecosystem, communities) ;
    • deep social network, at personal, communautary, professionnal and political levels ;
    • speaking and wrinting skills (live radio shows, conferences, articles) ;
    • fluent in English, basic level in German, and beginner in Japanese ;
    • artistic and litterary sensibility ;
    • golf beginner (index 54) ;
    • father.

Technical references

  • Hardware : HP (ProLiant, Moonshot), Dell, SuperMicro, Soekris, Sun/Oracle SPARC, Silicon Graphics ;
  • datacenter infrastructure management ;
  • free UNIX systems:
    • GNU/Linux : Debian, Gentoo, Red Hat, Slackware, Ubuntu ;
    • FreeBSD ;
    • OpenBSD ;
    • shells ZSH et Bash ;
    • tmux, vim, sed, grep, etc. ;
  • networking:
    • firewalls: Packet Filter, pfSense, OpnSense, NetFilter/IPTables ;
    • VPN: IPsec, OpenVPN ;
    • SSH (OpenSSH, PuTTY), DNS/DNSSEC (ISC Bind, NSD, Unbound), DHCP, PXE booting, etc. ;
    • remote console systems: HP iLo, IPMI, Sun LOM/ALOM/ILOM ;
    • load balancing: KeepAlived, HAProxy ;
    • Cisco solutions management ;
  • security :
    • general cryptography, TLS/SSL, certification authorities (PKI, CACert, Let’s Encrypt) ;
    • OpenSSL/LibreSSL, GnuPG ;
    • secret management (KeePass) ;
    • Network (Suricata) or host (rkhunter, OSSEC) intrusion detection/prevention ;
    • vulnerability assessment: OpenVAS ;
  • Web :
    • Apache HTTPd, Nginx, Varnish, HAProxy ;
    • PHP (PHP-FPM, APC, Zend OPcache, memcached), Ruby on Rails ;
    • Java (Oracle JDK, OpenJDK), Apache Tomcat ;
    • DotClear, WordPress, DokuWiki, MediaWiki, StatusNet, ownCloud, NextCloud, Tiny-Tiny RSS, Mattermost, webalizer, Awstats, Piwik, etc. ;
  • e-mail :
    • Dovecot, Postfix, ClamAV, OpenBSD spamd, GNU Mailman ;
  • databases : PostgreSQL, MySQL ;
  • monitoring : SNMP, Nagios/Centreon, PNP4Nagios, Shinken, Graphite ;
  • backup : Bacula, Bareos ;
  • configuration management : Puppet, Foreman, Rundeck, Ansible, AWX/Tower ;
  • development tools : Git, Gitlab, Mercurial, MantisBT, Jenkins.


  • 2001 – 2010 : Licence d'Informatique (Université Lille I, France), not completed.
  • June 2001 : Baccalauréat Scientifique (Lycée André Malraux, Béthune, France).
  • maxime/cv-english.txt
  • Dernière modification: 2024/07/08 16:06
  • de maxime